Unsuspected Collaborations:
Creative Prompts for the Lonely Solo Artist
with Marie Marković
Sunday, September 19th
Unsuspected Collaborations: Creative Prompts for the Lonely Solo Artist participants will be guided through a series of interdisciplinary exercises, from uncreative writing to psychomagic rituals, that will enrich the process of makers and writers who are used to and thrive working alone, and re-enliven artists who prefer a collaborative practice but don’t have easy or direct access to the accomplices they crave.
Marie Marković (they/them) is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, performance-maker, curator, producer, and experience designer. Handy enough to repair a 1904 fir floor, stylish enough to find the best clothes for any body at the local thrift store, Marie thrives in supportive environments that value equality and care over blind productivity.
Marie is currently working on their book series about Roth, an agender angel who leaves Heaven to attend high school on Earth, with the somewhat naive hope of finding love and belonging, only to discover there are demons in the school...
A vast portion of Marie's procrastination is caused by their passion for at-home hairless cat photography. They are looking forward to inviting you to future immersive, interactive, one-on-one performances.