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The Creative Momentum Course: Unlock creative blocks. Follow your inspiration. Craft a necessary, exquisite story.


The Creative Momentum Course supports both new and seasoned writers to draft or revise a large project (a novel, a book of essays, a poetry collection, a screenplay) with focus, playfulness, and warmth.

Welcoming the harmony between the author’s emotional journey and a protagonist’s adventure (however seemingly distinct), we balance our focus between melting creative blocks, crafting a well-structured story, and embracing the path of growth this project asks us to embody.

Participants will articulate their soul’s calling, heart’s longing, and personal creative process while being guided step-by-step through the process of writing a narrative with strong escalating tension, deliciously complex themes, and relatable characters.

This course carries writers through a holistically-structured process, so you don’t have to sweat figuring out the next step or holding it all together by yourself. You’re free to play and free to do things your way! We’re here to support your authentic creative expression!


• 1 Class, The Craft of the Creative Process, 11:00am-12:10pm PT / 2:00-3:10pm ET on the First Friday of each month, online

Moving step-by-step through the Hero’s Journey, we identify creative blocks and translate our challenges into creative content, traveling our own Hero’s/Heroine’s Journey as we write engaging narratives comprised of emotionally resonant scenes.

• 1 Group Tarot Inspiration Session, 11:00am-12:10pm PT / 2:00-3:10pm ET on the Third Friday of each month, online

Each tarot-based prompt is a mini craft lesson, burst of healing energy, or doorway to inspiration in response to the creative needs of the group.

Program Length: Nine months

October 2024 - June 2025

Plus, access to four nourishing, magickal coworking sessions monthly, as well as a quarterly bonus workshop on an aspect of craft or creativity.

Coworking sessions are drop-in; attend whichever sessions fit your schedule. Each month, they take place on the Second Tuesday, Second Friday, Fourth Tuesday, and Fourth Friday, during the lunchtime/teatime hour of 12-1pm PT / 3-4pm ET.


Meg Hayertz (she/they), author of Tarot for Beginners (Althea Press), believes writing is an act of listening. As the founder of Creative Momentum, she helps writers free their voice, nourish their creative practice, and finish their project. She holds an MFA in Writing and Consciousness from California Institute of Integral Studies and her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in CALYX, The Louisville Review, and Press Pause, among others. She is an alum of Lit Camp and has been interviewed in LitHub. Also, she believes in you.

"I’ve really enjoyed working with Meg. She was a huge help in keeping me focused on what I wanted to do with the book and in keeping my pace moving quickly. I appreciate that she learned what I wanted to get out of my writing and then held me to it. In working with Meg, my work has gained more depth and I have a stronger understanding of the story itself as well as the characters. I wouldn't have gotten to this point on my own."
- Gary T.

"Meg directs me back towards the core of the project before I wander too far off the path."
- Toni T.

Meg's group tarot sessions, as is often the case for alchemical group processes, have a way of being relevant to all participants, no matter whose question is being answered: I have often gotten answers to questions about my creative work that I had not yet articulated, simply through working on the prompt given by the card drawn for another member of my group! The collective aspect of this offering is also a wonderful antidote to the solitude of any solo art practice. It's like networking, but with more intention, and only the silliest small talk!

~ Marie M.

In the Group Inspiration Sessions, Meg fluidly synthesizes her awareness of Tarot symbolism with the needs of whatever project question I bring to the group. These sessions have helped me discover new insights and fresh energy, which I have used in memoir writing as well as composing smaller written pieces. I've gotten answers to guide my next steps, not only from the prompts Meg has offered toward my specific question, but also from the prompts deriving from other group members' questions. Each Group Inspiration Session I have experienced has been magic, pure and simple!

~ Laura Elly Hudson

Your Investment: $2,350

Payment Plan: $235 non-refundable deposit (below) + $235/month, October ‘24 - June ‘25

The Creative Momentum Course is for you if you are:

Tired of…

• Going in circles in your writing

• A writing practice that feels pressured, stagnant or inconsistent

Ready for…

• Authentic creative practice

• Deep connection with meaning and inspiration

• Supportive creative community

• Words on the page!

• A story you’re proud to share

In Creative Momentum you will…

• Develop a mature and intuitive creative practice

• Reduce procrastination, maintain creative flow

• Actually get your ideas onto the page

• Craft a project with a strong arc

• Take pleasure in the creative process

• Belong to a caring, inspiring community of writers who are cheering you on!

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