Artist as Revolutionary:

Reconnecting to the Spirit of Your Message

with Talia Molé

Sunday, September 12th

“Artist as Revolutionary: Reconnecting to the Spirit of Your Message,” is an exploratory workshop dedicated to holding space for artists (and people who use art as their expressive medium) to better articulate “art” in relationship to Self and Community. Participants will explore ways to deconstruct narratives that keep their creative focus stagnant and uninspired, and reconstruct them into meaningful works of art in service of Community and beyond.


Talia Molé (ella/she/they) believes in the artist as a rebellious and revolutionary teacher whose purpose is to disrupt the status quo, inspiring conversations that lead to greater questioning and awakening within a communal body. As an artist, she has dedicated her time to understanding social change through different social spaces and disciplines within academia and beyond. She molded and polished her role as an activist/scholar with the help of a B.F.A. in Theatre Performance, an M.S. in Counseling, and a PhD in Anthropology and Social Change. Her field of research and exploration revolves around motherhood and its myriad expressions within marginalized populations. She uses art (theatre, poetry, images, movement, music) and counseling techniques, along with traditional techniques such as storytelling, meditation, yoga, and tarot to facilitate difficult conversations while creating space for healing and creative exchange within and for communities in resistance. Her greatest goal is to continue using her artistry, specifically through theatre, poetry, and storytelling, as a process of learning and (un)learning that disrupts systems of oppression, questions, creates aesthetic platforms that inspire community, collaborative imagining, and revolutions.