Creative Momentum Deep Dive
90-Minute Private Session: Tarot and Creative Strategy
We'll re-enliven your project, enter a deeper level of creativity, and identify tangible next steps for completing this project!
Finally finish your project and confidently share it with the world.
Please schedule at calendly.com/creativemomentum/deep-dive
“My experience with Meg was amazing. Meg is a gifted Tarot reader; she uses the cards and her own deep abilities to listen and to see under the surface where emotions and thoughts and ideas and memories interweave, bringing illumination and transformation to specific areas of the writer's life. She asks questions that take the writer on a journey into that subterranean world of the writing and the self, and in the process intention and structure and complex connections become clear. There is release. There is affirmation. There is medicine for the writing. I am profoundly grateful.”
-Helen Klonaris, author of If I Had the Wings, helenklonarisfiction.com